The Benefits of Demand-Responsive Transport

woman looking at phone

Flexibility and Convenience

Demand-Responsive Transport (DRT) allows passengers to request rides when and where they need them, through a mobile app. No more treks to or from the bus stop, long waits outside, or missing buses. Getting around a town or city, rather than in and out of the centre, becomes easy, providing improved access to social, leisure, work, education and healthcare facilities.


DRT is a safer option than traditional public transport, because you don’t have to walk or wait around in isolated places, it has inbuilt tracking and there’s accountability of passengers and drivers through the app.

At A Fleet for Change we prioritise safety and we will build additional safety features into the app and service.


Shared rides and improved access means a reduced number of vehicles on the road, minimising congestion and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, creating a more sustainable urban environment.


DRT can improve accessibility for individuals with disabilities or those who cannot easily access traditional public transportation or need to be somewhere that isn’t covered by public transport.


DRT can be a cost-effective solution for both transport operators and passengers. By optimising routes and using smaller vehicles when necessary, it can reduce operational costs while offering affordable fares. The shared nature makes it much cheaper than taxis.


DRT systems employ sophisticated algorithms to determine the most efficient route for each trip. This means that vehicles may take different paths to reach their destinations, picking up and dropping off passengers along the way, making the entire system more efficient.


The State of Buses in Sheffield


What is Demand-Responsive Transport?